My Story
My name is Sanda Botha, many know me through building Crafty Beach for 14 years. It has been a long journey indeed. Throw in major life decisions and some soul searching and suddenly one finds one self at life demanding a fresh new start.
I have always been a creative. Creating beauty is interwoven in my bones and my cells. It is who I am. And so I share my love of beauty through my digital art. These pieces are re-created on hand picked items. Locally printed and sewn.
My art represents the beauty of South Africa. We live in a beautiful paradise ranging from our animal kingdom and flora. Not to mention the majesty of the people we call South Africans. With my 2 ranges - Mama Africa and African Fantasy I hope to capture just that.
I herewith invite you to come and join me and be a part of the Goldie B story.... my story.
With much love